Ángel Flores Street

Ángel Flores Street

This street was designated as Calle de Guerrero, at least since 1842. At some point later, it was known as Calle del Vigía due to the periodic arrival of a group of soldiers from Villa Unión during the colonial era to safeguard Mazatlán against potential enemies. During the Porfiriato, it was named Guelatao, after the birthplace of Benito Juárez. Finally, it was named after the revolutionary military figure.
The notable estates along this street include those of the Spaniard Pedro Osante, the Military Hospital, and Plaza Hidalgo, the oldest square in the city where the first market of Mazatlán was situated.
The portion of the street that goes from "olas altas" to the small square was known as "del Rebaje," a name given due to the work done at the foot of the hill by Mr. Federico Imaña. The most notable properties along this street include: that of the Spanish man Pedro Osante, the Military Hospital, Hidalgo Square (the oldest in the city where Mazatlán's first market was located, a plot of land that was claimed by Juan Nepomuceno Machado at one point). Continuing along the same street, we come across the building formerly known as "plaza la concordia," which was the Central Hotel.
Further down Ángel Flores and Heriberto Frías is the mansion that belonged to the Diaz de León family. The Díaz de León building was completed in 1899, as evidenced by the balcony constructed by the Spaniard Antonio Díaz de León. The upper floor was the residence of the family, while the ground floor housed the El Vapor tobacco factory, owned by the Díaz de León family.
Did you know?
It was known as 'Vigía Street' because during the colonial era, soldiers from Villa Unión would periodically come to watch over Mazatlán in the face of potential enemies.
📍 Location
Ángel Flores Street, Downtown, 82000 Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
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